Going back to school?!?!

Yes, after almost 30yrs and being in the business for over 25 yrs I decided to go back and take a refresher course in Animal Anatomy and Drapery with teacher Marshall Vandruff. It all happened by accident as I heard this Art Instructor on Fanboy Radio. As I listened to him, while I was working, all I kept saying to myself was, this man thinks like I do, he views art as I do, he respects art like I do and approaches art like I do. So I had to find out more about him. I took a leap and attended his class, no regrets, on the contrary, I highly recommend him to all my friends and colleagues. If you have a chance take Marshall's class! His approach, knowledge and soothing style was an unforgettable experience, worth every penny and I'm a better artist for it. You will have many "aha "experiences, and most of all understand why you were drawing what you were drawing all these years and never understood why. Above are some examples of sketches I drew during his classes. Those in the know will recognize classic and famous poses from past masters among them, we studied these under his guidance. Marshall has an incredible slide presentation, he has compiled a lot of our favorite images from the masters and teachers throughout time. I'm looking forward to taking more of his classes as they are little gold mines of knowledge that can only add to what we know. Thank you Marshall! BTW you'll get a glimpse of Marshall in a caricature I did of him above, I couldn't help it... apologies Marshall, hope you don't mind.