Captain Action/Green Hornet Cover!
Those of you who grew up in the 60's will remember Captain Action and how he changed into your favorite superhero! Well, pals Ed Catto and Joe Ahearn, the guys at the helm of Captain Action's revival, along with buddy Joe Gentile, publisher of Moonstone Books,
are putting out a neat book with a prose story teaming up both Captain Action and... The Green Hornet! Being a fan of both, I jumped at the opportunity when asked to do a cover. Thanks old chums! The issue is called Captain Action Winter Special #1's. Aside from The Green Hornet Team-up prose story, the issue will also feature a CA story written by Beau Smith and illustrated by none other than Eduardo Barreto! Wow... enjoy!
The Green Hornet Casefiles
Cover for The Green Hornet Casefiles. Vol. 2 in the series of anthologies by Moonstone Books... There have been several versions of The Green Hornet and Kato in the Black Beauty throughout the years... thought I'd try my hand at one. The book will be edited by Joe Gentile and Win Scott Eckert... visit Moonstone Books for more details, coming soon! Bzzzz....
Be our Guest!

Every year Cinde Fortino organizes a wonderful dinner called "Be our Guest". I've been very flattered to be asked to attend, this is my third year in a row, thanks Cinde! The evening consists of Disney aficionados and fans who have an opportunity to have dinner with a Disney alumni, each seated at different tables. This years Disney alumni were from left to right, back row: John Musker (Co-Director of The Little Mermaid/Aladdin), Steve Davison (Creator of the World of Color at Disneyland), Max Howard (Former Head of Disney Animation London, Paris, Orlando and Los Angeles and... my former boss!), Willie Ito (Animator and Illustrator at Disney's, Hanna Barbera, Warner's and Bob Clampett, where he worked on Benie and Cecil! FYI, make sure to check out his terrific book called "Hello Maggie"), yours truly. First row seated: Dave Stollery (Marty from the television serial "Spin and Marty" on the Mickey Mouse Club), Cinde Fortino (Be our Guest!) and Dick Jones (Original voice of Pinocchio!) Thanks again Cinde for a wonderful time! The pin we're all wearing (shown above) was especially designed for this event by my old buddy and pal, artist Tony West... Great job Tony!