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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dastan, The Prince of Persia Bust!
Next in line for Enesco'sGrand Jester Studiosbust collection, Dastan from the Prince of Persia movie based on the popular video game. You'll see here the various concept drawings and pics of the sculpt. Thanks toBrandon Parsinskifor the dagger, sword, chest emblem, buckles, all superbly sculpted digitally with intricate detail. And Paint Master, again masterfully painted by Kat Sapene.
This past Memorial Day we were invited by good friend Paula (who just so happens to be a Lone Ranger fan! :) to the Memorial Day Classic Grand Prix at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center for the Horse Jumping Contest. What a sight to behold! These magnificent animals and their riders competing in an obstacle course from one hurdle to another. At any of these types of events I can't resist the urge to draw and this was no exception... (and Paula got a surprise Lone Ranger drawing too!) In this case I happened to take a large pad and had my trusty pencils and pens with me that I try to carry all the time. You'll see my animation background seeping through as I sketched a sequence of action drawings while the horse and rider made their jumps. Now I didn't witness this per se, I decided to draw it from an angle I was comfortable with while watching them do this. I'd look up every so often and having the live action reference right in front of me was wonderful. Fun stuff to do! If you ever get an opportunity I encourage you to check out these types of event... and if you're an artist, don't forget your pad or sketchbook! Photos by our friend Tika and myself.
As promised here is part 2... Warwick, England! Thank you to Enesco rep John Brown (thats me and him shaking hands in the diplomatic shot in front of the American and English Flags) for all his attention and many thanks to Disney Dave, Carole and family, of Castle China for putting together yet another great event! There was a presentation by buddy Tony Oxtoby, signings, a drawing class and more signings! Jeanne and I enjoyed our last visit there, this time, although traveling alone and Jeanne sorely missed, it was great to see everyone again and meet new collectors. Thank you to my dear friends Yvonne and Steve (thats them where I'm holding the Tinkerbell bust) for the hospitality and making me feel at home while there. Good to see you again Yvonne and many thanks for the video of the event you put together, great memories! At the end of the post you can view the video... Great to see my pal Tony Oxtoby (mentioned above) and son Jason again... what a great presentation at the event Tony! (thats them where I'm shaking both their hands at once) And there's Jeff holding the Jiminy piece, thank for the great chocolate bars, both Jeanne and I really liked your clever wrappers, very thoughtful! For those of you who have never been to Warwick its a wonderful little town with Warwick Castle as a landmark, a real authentic caste well worth a visit. You'll also see here some pics throughout town. The red phone booths and red mailboxes and a local Warwick dog :) And... some pics from Stratford upon-Avon, the birth place of William Shakespeare. Was fortunate to have incredible weather, its another beautiful city with the Avon River. Some pics show the boats and canoes that floated by. They have a neat Jester monument, fun to see while promoting the Grand Jester Studios bust line! Came across some neat miniature diecasts of buses at a local fundraiser swap meet and a nice bas-relief atop the door way to a Bank. Thats a glimpse to a terrific time there.... thanks again all and Cherrio!
ColleaguesBryan Monand Merrill Hagan"sUnstoppable Tuff-Girlmade it's debut in her first comic-book issue this year... It's chock full of fun! Here's a pin-up of her plus a bonus one! Thanks for asking Bryan... Congrats guys and may there be many more. Go get 'em Tuff-Girl!