Friday, January 14, 2011

German reprint of Alex Toth's Zorro!

First cover for the reprints of Alex Toth's well regarded classic adventures of the 50's Zorro comics!  And... a sneak peak to the second cover!  These stories are considered visual storytelling masterpieces. Published in Germany by Thorsten Lehmann of Classic Heroes.  They will be in German and newly re-colored.  Each cover reflect the stories inside, starting in chronological order...  There are two stories in each issue.  Our German friends will enjoy the flyer above.  Thorsten will be at the Comic & Film Börse Convention in Austria at the end of this month where the first issue will be available for purchase!  
Here's the convention info:
1120 Wien, Austria 
Thanks Thorsten for asking and the oportunity.  It's a pleasure to be able to be part of this project...  these covers were done in memory of my late and dear great friend Alex Toth.

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Blogger Scott Sebring said...

Excellent!! Great covers, Ruben!

1/16/2011 12:41 PM  
Blogger Ruben Procopio said...

Thanks amigo! :)

1/16/2011 9:50 PM  
Blogger Doc Shaner said...

Very cool, Ruben!

4/06/2011 8:23 AM  
Blogger Ruben Procopio said...

Thanks Evan... much appreciated! R.

4/07/2011 6:03 PM  
Blogger Cap A said...

great covers Ruben. I just read the full run of Alex toth on Zorro, just released in French. He was a genius.


5/10/2011 10:38 PM  
Blogger Ruben Procopio said...

Hi Dom, Yes, He was one of the best! Didn't know of the french version. Do you have a link of where to see it? Thanks for the compliments, much appreciated! :)

5/11/2011 9:16 AM  
Blogger Cap A said...

Ruben, here's the link to the publishers' website:

By the way, do you draw sketches for fans from time to time? I'd love to have one of your sketches, signed to my name, in my collection. I'm from Belgium. Am I correct when I say that you regularly provide artwork to Roy Thomas for his Alter Ego magazine? It's a great mag and I'm also a regular contributor.
If you want to contact me directly, here's my email address: Best, DOM

5/12/2011 6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look fabulous, Rubén!

5/27/2011 7:14 PM  
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